• About You

    Please ignore this first part if we have dealt with you before and already have this information.
  • About Your Business

  • If so please state the service provider and hosting package:
  • Your Website's Purpose

    What is the purpose of your website, for example is it to:
  • Your Target Market

  • For example their interests, age, sex, social status, wealth bracket.
  • Selling / eCommerce Strategy

    If you intend to make sales over the web, otherwise, skip this section.
  • Technical

  • (CMS/Content Management System)
  • If yes, please state:
  • If so please state:
  • Navigation

  • As a matter of good practice we will usually include a site map, privacy statement, your conditions or terms of use along with a statistics package like Google Analytics or similar.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Options

  • Deadlines and Budget

  • If there is no deadline, please leave blank.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Any other information

  • What Next?

  • Websites vary enormously in content and complexity and in the objectives they are setting out to achieve. From the information you have provided here we hope that we have a reasonable idea of what you require from your new website, but we will get in touch with you to clarify any points before we start.

    Payment Terms
    We will not begin your project until you have accepted our firm quotation for the work which is subject to our terms and conditions of business which can be viewed on our website or sent to you on request. We generally ask for 50% payment upfront and the remaining balance on completion. This ensures we are committed to working with each other and reaching a successful conclusion. Once we have received your full payment, copyright ownership of the design will automatically be transferred to you. If payment is not received within 30 days of the final invoice date we reserve the right to withdraw from the sale and to retain full intellectual property rights of the work we have produced for you (breach of copyright is a criminal offence). In some cases we may use a debt collection agency to recover the funds.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.